
Build your skills and take inspired actions to make life better for yourself, your community, and our world with these three workshop offerings.

About  the  Workshops

I design curricula and facilitate engaging, relevant trainings in a diversity of areas related to leadership, relationships, communication, creative writing, addiction recovery, spirituality, self-development, and life/career design. Participants have ranged from staff at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Jewish Federation of New Mexico to college students, camp counselors, recovering addicts, and community members of all ages. Click here for a sample list of past workshops.

The foundational theme of all of my workshops is Social Constructionism that basically tells us that all stories are Real, they just are not necessarily True. Therefore all our stories can be rewritten and retold for better outcomes. I integrate my experiences as a facilitator-trainer, licensed therapist, published author, and storyteller into my trainings to build participant skills within strength-based and solution-focused perspectives.

All workshops currently are offered via Zoom.

In person groups will be considered starting Fall 2021. Complete the contact page to request a free 15-minute consultation learn more details.

Specialized Groups

Interested in creating a specialized group training for your team? Complete the contact page and I will set up a meeting to discuss details.

Current  Workshops

Revelations of the Heart: A Seven-Week Creative Writing Journey

Surrender to your muse, let go of perfectionism, and write without censoring yourself.

Transformation of the Storyteller through Storytelling

Public declaration is the highest form of visioning. Give yourself and the world the gift of your story.

Empathy in Action: Nonviolent Communication for Leaders

Listening and speaking with more compassion to ourselves flows into offering others the same gift of nonviolent communication.

Revelations of the Heart: A Seven-Week Creative Writing Journey

What old stories, beliefs, or habits can you change over seven weeks?

Take a journey of self-reflection and self-expression through creative writing. Based on an ancient Hebrew custom called “Counting the Omer,” for 49 days this creative spring cleanse immerses you in seven Kabbalistic qualities from the Tree of Life. The 50th day is known as the time of Revelation.

We’ll meet once per week as part of your journey. Write anything, just everyday, for seven weeks – a few sentences, a memory, a wish, a dream, a poem, or a short story. Come be a witness to your life and hear the revelations of your heart through writing!

Transformation of the Storyteller through Storytelling

Come hear stories, come tell stories, in a dynamic workshop that weaves the magic and art of storytelling in a fun, interactive format. Discover the hidden layers of meaning in the stories you tell and hear. Learn how to engage and transform an audience. Share your stories with us! 

Empathy in Action:
Nonviolent Communication for Leaders

Violence in communication almost always begins with how we talk to ourselves. Learning and applying the fundamentals of empathy is key to communicating with empathy, clarity, and kindness to others. When we understand how to listen and speak with more compassion to ourselves, inevitably this flows into offering others the same gift of nonviolent communication.

What Others Have to Say

“All hesitations dissolve as Ya'el playfully and skillfully shepherds her students into first her unique world of storytelling, and then just as masterfully, into their own."

-D.J., Author and Business Owner

“Your leadership style is quite inviting and unusual. Firm and kind, holding a safe container while allowing us the freedom to find our own way before skillfully guiding us back.”

– P.G., Accountant

"When I'm a student in Ya’el’s classes, I feel nothing short of inspired. She is so full of vitality, love and spirit, I am lifted out of the ordinary and into the land of extraordinary."

– T.F., Workshop Facilitator

“You were supportive and you set limits. Lots of kindness and good listening skills. I felt the freedom to express myself honestly and openly.”

– N.R., Art Therapist

" I have the book and I am writing! A beautiful practice for all as a daily focus for creativity and expression. I highly recommend it."

-V.B., Retired Nurse’s Aide and Adventure Guide

“Just finishing the sixth week of your writer's workshop. You have given me new tools to dig deeper into my human experience, to express and heal myself through the written word."

-G.L.S. Sculptor

“I was able to spill out my heart without stopping to edit it. The joy of sharing my stories opened up the potency of how this kind of writing is a natural vehicle for transforming the world, my world, our worlds.”

– S.D., Business Owner

“Ya’el’s passion for NVC is obvious and infectious. She is a clear, organized, and encouraging teacher, making the class relevant and extremely effective.”

– L.D., Bookkeeper and Tutor

“I so enjoyed these 7 weeks of writing with the Omer! I loved the non-judgmental connection with the Muse that we were encouraged to make. Ya’el was so light, funny, and conversational that I would forget I was in a well organized, precisely timed class until the end when I realized it had flown by!”

– S. F., Psychotherapist

"I also learned from you that the writing, while it may be a gift for others in the future, is first and foremost for me."

– J.B., Former College President


Individual Therapy

Family Therapy
